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Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Success Stories

Svilajnac, 11 June 2021

Support to the Proper Development of Children with Developmental Difficulties

A sensory room facilitating therapeutic services contributing to the improvement of motor and mental skills, self-control and learning and communication competences, and thus the quality of life of children, was built in Svilajnac with Swiss Government support provided through the Swiss PRO Programme. The project also...

Raška, 19 March 2021

Move on for better social inclusion of young people from Raska

Through the Swiss PRO Programme, the Government of Switzerland supported eight local governments to implement social innovative projects in partnership with CSOs aimed at enhancing access to the rights and fulfillment of the needs of citizens from the excluded groups, ensuring their improved social inclusion.

Smederevo, 3 December 2020

Improving Social Inclusion through Training for Persons with Disabilities

“Without Tools There is no Craft” is the name of the project within which persons with disabilities, job-seekers or low income, underwent training in the production of handicraft items and how to find a market for them. The project was implemented by the City of Smederevo...

Vranje, 25 November 2020

Always for the rights of girls and women

With the support of the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss PRO Programme, a total of 101 women, victims of domestic violence, received psychological and legal support through the SOS line. The SOS line has been available to Pcinja District inhabitants since 2002, and it has...