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Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Success Stories

Strengthening Local Capacities for Good Governance in Serbia

  • Belgrade, 12 October 2021

Through implementation of comprehensive capacity building activities, the Swiss PRO Programme created permanent local good governance resources in 32 towns and municipalities, thus contributing to better quality of public services for all citizens and greater responsibility, transparency and efficiency of local self-governments.

With a comprehensive approach, from theoretical introduction to the studied principle, through moderated discussion of policies to practical exercises through case studies, accountability, transparency, participation, efficiency and non-discrimination and equality are no longer abstract concepts, but their application in practice is approached with full understanding.

Through additional training of trainers, these local experts mastered coaching techniques for transferring the acquired knowledge thus contributing to further professional development of human resources and modernisation of public service. This already built resource became an important link in establishing good governance as a permanent and sustainable mechanism, way of working and thinking. 

“The essence of the training on good governance principles is not that it is reflected only in me, but it should be a feature of the organization - local self-government, and in order for it to become a feature of the organization I need to share and transfer my knowledge. This is where the importance of the skills learned in training for trainers comes to the fore”, highlighted one of LSG representatives.

Training participants shared their impressions of both training programmes in a video available on this link.